A guide to Profhilo treatment

If you are someone who is looking for a method to reduce the appearance of ageing, you may want to do so in the most efficacious way possible, without invasive surgeries or treatments. profhilo-kent

And so, you will have probably been online to look for the most suitable option to pick and will have come across the most popular treatments like Botox and dermal fillers.

But were you aware that there is a treatment similar to dermal fillers that can reduce the appearance of wrinkles in a larger area, and can also last for longer?

At Stangrove Court Practice, we are proud of our dental services as well those concerning facial aesthetics and are always happy to meet with patients who want to undergo non-surgical facial treatments such as Profhilo Kent. This longer-lasting application of hyaluronic acid is suitable for anyone who could have dermal fillers, and as mentioned before, can treat a wider area too. Which is good news!

But before you rush off to contact our team about Profhilo Kent, you may want to learn a bit more about it first. So, read on for our short guide.

What is this treatment?

The treatment using Profhilo Kent requires injections to be made to the face and/or neck to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

As mentioned before, the solution that is injected is hyaluronic acid, so it is similar to dermal fillers. However, it can be injected into the deeper layers of the skin, and is ideal for remodelling very wrinkled areas of the face and reversing the appearance of sagging skin.

It can treat a wider area than traditional dermal fillers can, giving a smoother and more natural finish.

Applying the injections

The application of these injections should not be uncomfortable, but if you are worried our team can apply a numbing cream to the areas beforehand. When using these injections, we will aim to place them in 5 sections of the lower face, to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We can also apply them to the neck, to help reduce the appearance of loose and sagging skin in this area too.


Once you have had these injections applied, you will need to avoid activities such as sunbathing, hot baths and saunas. As well as this, you should also be avoiding excessive exercise and consuming alcohol.

This is because all of these activities increase your body temperature and, much like Botox and dermal fillers, you want to keep these injections in one area; if you become overheated, the injected material will too, and it may move out of its pre-chosen area.


Provided that you follow these aftercare tips, the injections should smooth the appearance of your skin for around 6 months, although based on your age and the depth of the wrinkles, it may be slightly longer or shorter than that.

Promoting the effects

To promote the effects of these injections for as long as possible, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking (as these dehydrate the skin) and be sure to stay active and drink plenty of water.